New Portland Residents Sand for Driveways


Access to the Municipal Sand/Salt Shed is restricted to employees and contractors authorized to be there. We are prohibiting the general public from entering the Sand/Salt Shed.
Winter sand will be available for New Portland residents’ personal use ONLY. Each residential dwelling is eligible for a two 5 gallon buckets of sand per storm. We are currently in the process of designating a safe location for a a sand pile to be stationed so that the New Portland residents can safely access sand for storm purposes.
Proper signage will be in place once we have finalized all the details.
We will post when New Portland residents will be able to start accessing a sand/salt pile for residential dwellings.
The Town of New Portland prohibits the taking of pure rock salt without approval from the Town Manager. The use of municipal sand for the sanding of private roads is prohibited. (The Town of New Portland reserves the right to prosecute offenders.)