Please take note the following dates:
October 5th – October 29th – Absentee Voting Starts
You can come into the office to request an absentee ballot, request over the phone, or you can go
to If you decide to request an absentee ballot online, then when I receive the request and verify you are a registered voter here in New Portland I will mail you out an absentee ballot. October 29th is the last day you can request an absentee ballot without special circumstances.
October 15th – This is when I can start to process dog licenses. In this month’s New Portlander there is a form that has instructions as to what you will need when licensing your dog(s) and to make it more convenient there is also a section at the bottom of the page for you to send in with proof of rabies, payment for license(s), and a self-addressed stamped envelope. You can send it in before October 15th and I will hold onto the information until October 15th and I will be sure process them and mail them out.
The Referendum Election is on Tuesday, November 3rd and the polls will be open from 8:00am to 8:00pm at the Community Room/Fire Station 911 River Road New Portland. We hope to see you all there.
As always, if you have any questions you can contact at the office during business hours or email me at any time.