2020 Budget Committee Meeting Saturday, January 25th at 9am
This is a reminder that the 2020 Budget Committee will be meeting on Saturday, January 25th at 9am in the community room at the fire station. All are welcome to…
This is a reminder that the 2020 Budget Committee will be meeting on Saturday, January 25th at 9am in the community room at the fire station. All are welcome to…
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE- Because of liability exposure after consultation with our insurer MMA we need to restrict access to the sand salt shed. In the short term we will allow…
Notice of Public Hearing TOWN OF NEW PORTLAND NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Town of New Portland will hold a public hearing on Monday,…
Now that the winter season is here we would like to remind everyone that all complaints regarding road conditions should be called into the town office, where those complaints are…